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List of European capitals. The countries’ principal cities have been always among the best places to live in. The top rated capitals by the life quality in Europe are Vienna, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Berlin.

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Countries listed by continent and their capitals:. Afro-Eurasia is a continent in the three-continent system and includes Africa, Asia and Europe.

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By playing Sheppard Software’s geography games, you will gain a mental map of the world’s continents, countries, capitals, & landscapes!

Spanish is also known as the Castilian that is a romance language and was originated in Castile, the reign of Spain.It is one of the most spoken languages around the world; even you can find it in the five different continents of the world.

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Africa is the second-largest and second most populous continent on earth with an estimated population in 2016 of 1.2 billion people. Africa is home to 54 recognized sovereign states and countries, 9 territories and 2 …

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List of all capital cities of African countries, links to each city with information and a searchable map. The page include figures of the population of the capitals.

The list of sovereign states and dependent territories by continent data file is a plain text format describing the list of countries by continent, suitable for …

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List of capitals of Australia and Oceania. Among the independent countries here can be distinguished Australia and New Zealand having the …

The Continent of Africa: Africa The African states, with population figures. Capital Cities of Africa. Alphabetical list of the capitals of Africa.

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This is a list of sovereign states and dependent territories of the world by continent, displayed with their respective national flags and capitals, including the following entities:

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