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Some research suggests that texting while driving is more than 20 times as dangerous as driving while not texting. Texting might be an even greater threat for teen drivers than for older drivers, since car crashes are already a leading cause of death for er drivers.

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Teens who admit to texting while driving may be convinced to reduce risky cellphone use behind the wheel when presented with financial incentives such as auto-insurance apps that monitor driving behavior, according to a new survey.

Easy Logger is a Google Android based free SMS tracker, cell phone tracker and phone monitoring suite suitable for monitoring ren, employees and elderly.

Federal charges brought against three men involved in deadly Kansas swatting Andrew Finch of Wichita, Kansas was killed by police responding to a false report of a murder/hostage situation.

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Survey: What we do while we drive. According to a telephone survey of 1,026 drivers released by NETS:

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New York laws and bills on drivers’ use of cell phones, hands free headsets and text messaging

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Choose from the list of topics below for overviews of key highway safety issues, along with compilations of IIHS and HLDI research, news and legal information on each topic.

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