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Slang Names For Gay People 66

Slang Names For Gay People 103

This is a list of slang and/or insulting terms for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people.

May 03, 2018 · This is a glossary of Scots English words as well as slang, jargon and Scots Language, with their meanings and where appropriate; an example of their use.It’s worth noting that Scotland has 3 languages (English/Scots/Gaelic) and a collection of different dialects.

I’ve compiled a list of the most common lesbian slang, terms, words, and phrases you’re most likely to hear within the lesbian community. Read up!

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Dick Leitsch’s Guide to Seventies Gay Slang The octogenarian activist and Advocate writer prepares his archives for the New York Public Library. is a dictionary of slang, webspeak, made up words, and colloquialisms. Browse our listings, or submit your own slang words to our site.

Slang developed in the 1970s to allow the speakers to converse in public without drawing attention – usually referring to teens’ names often with the first letter in common with the intended meaning:

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An English slang dictionary including British colloquialisms currently used in the UK.

adjective. gay·er, gay·est Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex. Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.

Best of British slang terms. Buy the book and have a gander!

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a dictionary of Spanish slang with English translations and explanations

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