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Throat Irritation Coughing 109

Many patients experience the feeling of fullness in the throat or a sensation of a lump in the throat. Others have a chronic cough or throat clearing. These common conditions are quite bothersome but rarely are associated …

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WebMD has the basics on common triggers, related symptoms, and treatment options for your cough.

Coughing up brown mucus can signal everything from serious health conditions to common causes. Most of the time, throat mucus is nothing to worry about

Learn about coughs, (acute, chronic, or persistent), which can have common causes such as infections, or chronic (persistent) cough may be caused by medication, reflux disease, or lung conditions.

Hazards and Dangers of Ammonium Nitrate. Ammonium Nitrate is an odorless, colorless or white, crystal salt produced by the reaction of ammonia and nitric acid.

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Overview Getting the tickle out. So you woke up this morning with an ominous little tickle in the back of your throat. Does it mean you’re coming down with something serious?

The Throat, Your Voice & Swallowing. Doctor, Explain Tonsils and Adenoids Salivary Glands Sore Throats Doctor, Why Am I Hoarse? A …

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A sore or itchy throat and cough are two of the most common symptoms that bring people to a doctor. These symptoms often occur together, as irritation that

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Hi i have a 12 male staffie who has had 4 seizures over the past 4/5 months other than this and a few fatty lumps he eats well runs around and is very happy but for the past few days has started coughing normally first thing in the morning and when excited cough sounds like he has some thing stuck in his throat any advice ??

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Different kinds of sore throats: viral, bacterial, and those caused by dryness — and things you can do about them.

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