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Author of The Case Against Sugar, Why We Get Fat and Good Calories, Bad Calories

Fat makes you fat. That’s why it is called fat. You eat too much of it, you’re in danger. Carbs, on the other hand, we were designed for. Every cell in our bodies runs almost exclusively off of glucose, including our brains.

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Are you trying to figure out why you’re not losing weight even though you’re eating better and exercising? Here’s 11 reasons why you’re unable to lose fat.

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That sound coming from my office is me taking a deep, relaxing breath. For nearly two years, much of my evening and weekend time has been devoted to the Fat Head …

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If you’ve made healthy changes and haven’t lost the weight you expected, there’s a reason. Read this article for the most common reasons why you aren’t losing weight.

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100 (+8) Miles of Nowhere Race Report: NASCAR Race Track Edition, by Don Buttram. 11.22.2016 | 9:54 am. A Note from Fatty About Someone Else’s Blog: Rich Dillen’s blog is a national treasure, which is why I’m starting a petition to get a movie made about it where that guy from Raising Arizona goes on a Very Dangerous Scavenger Hunt to

A deep-fried pocket of taco meat, covered in crushed Doritos, then slathered with nacho cheese and sour cream on-a-stick.

Why You Should be a Pegan! So what’s an eater to do? I vote for being a Pegan or Paleo-Vegan, which is what I have chosen for myself and recommend for most of my patients.

If you spend any amount of time around lactating folks, you’ll hear concerns about low milk supply, and you’ll also probably hear suggestions such as:

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Life in the southern Peloponnese with two journalists and a crazy

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